No.1489/ Dec./ 22 / 2024
The National Democratic Party's strategy of teaming up with the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party
--- Dismantling workers' struggles with "increasing take-home pay".

In the last general election, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Komeito Party won 215 seats, falling 18 seats short of a majority.
The LDP needs cooperation with the National Democratic Party (NDP), which has surged to 28 seats, to stabilize the government.
However, they all lacked concreteness, and there was no firm intention in them.
On the other hand, the NDP is approaching the governments of the LDP and the Komeito Party to realize its pledge to increase take-home pay.
Discussing the Nobel Peace Prize of the Japan Association of Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb Victims' Organizations.
--- How can the elimination of nuclear weapons be achieved?
Nearly 10,000 bankruptcies a year.
--- Japan's economy is becoming a "mini-China"
What are the challenges of the fight against the Yoon regime in South Korea?
--- The working class should move from political reforms to the social revolution.
No.1488/ Dec./ 8 / 2024
Populism is also proliferating in local and national politics at the mercy.
--- The background and how the workers should fight!
In this year's successive municipal elections (and the House of Representatives elections), populist politics that pandered to the masses and buried themselves in short-term profits was rampant. In the gubernatorial election to choose the mayor of the capital city of Tokyo, Ishimaru, the former mayor of Akitakata, received 1658000 votes, second only to Koike. It marked the beginning of the election that followed, in which populism was rampant.
Hyogo Governor Saito, who relentlessly searched for whistleblowing officials and drove a prefectural employee to suicide due to power harassment, was unanimously confronted with a no-confidence motion in the prefectural assembly and lost his job. Saito ran for governor of the prefecture and was re-elected, overturning initial expectations that re-election would be impossible, and made the same shock as the governor of Tokyo (Saito received 1110000 votes, and Inamura, who was the runner-up, received 976000 votes).
In the Nagoya mayoral election, Hirosawa, who succeeded Kawamura, co-leader of the Japan Conservative Party, won by a large margin over Otsuka, who was initially reported to have the upper hand (Hirosawa 392000 , Otsuka 261000 votes). What these elections have in common is that they all advocated reform and pushed forward a position against established parties that defend vested interests. Of course, the issues that were fought in Tokyo, Hyogo, and Nagoya were different.
Considering the "Annual Income Barrier" Problem (Supplement)
--- What does it mean to "eliminate income barriers"?
In China, high unemployment, low wages, and deteriorating living conditions are progressing
--- In it, Speech is also suppressed by the strengthening of state control.
No.1487/ Nov./ 24 / 2024
Trump returns to the highest power in the United States
--- Capitalism in the world deepens cracks with his victory
In the U.S. presidential election, Trump won by a wide margin, upsetting the media's expectations that it would be a very close race.
He focused his attacks on the Biden Democratic administration's failure to combat inflation and the deterioration of security caused by a surge of illegal immigration.
With his hand in return, he urged manufacturing workers and others who felt left behind by the wave of AI and IT to "revive the manufacturing industry" and "bring back the great era." In doing so, he attracted manufacturing workers, the needy, and non-whites who were once Democratic supporters.
Workers should consider the "annual income barrier" problem
--- Talks between the government and opposition parties over the "annual income barrier" begin.
Declaration of my determination to join the Workers Party
--- I was "moved by the theory of state capitalism that is achieved by Marxism."
No.1486 / Nov./ 10 / 2024
The emergence of workers' political party is necessary.
--- Do not allow the rotation under the LDP political power. The sinking of the Japan Communist Party of Japan.Wriggling Right party.
The general election held on October 27 ended in a victory for the opposition parties, with the LDP and the New Komeito winning 219 seats, falling short of a majority.
Ishiba's re-election as prime minister is assured with the nomination of the leader to be held on the 11th of this month, but there is no doubt that it is a minority ruling parties’ government and is said to form a "partial coalition" with the National Democratic Party on various policies.
Workers should stand based on their class position and carry out the struggle for the emancipation of their labor.
The decline of the Japan Innovation Party(JIP) appeared in the House of Representatives election.
--- The JIP began to be abandoned by supporters.
The theoretical journal "Prometheus" issue 63 has just published.
--- He push the Liberation of Labor beyond the eternity.
No.1485/ Oct./ 27 / 2024
Let's overthrow the Ishiba regime that inherits plutocratic corrupt politics!
--- Let the general election be an opportunity for the development of the workers' struggle.
The 50th House of Representatives election was announced on October 15, and the election campaign has entered the second half until the vote is counted on October 27.
The Kishida administration was forced to resign because its handling of the backdoor money scandal led to a decisive distrust among the working masses.
His successor, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Komeito government led by Ishiba, dissolved the House of Representatives on October 9, the eighth day after the Cabinet was formed.
Ishiba expressed "deep remorse" on the issue of "politics and money," but the issue of backroom money is not an issue that can be resolved with mere verbal reflection.
How workers will fight this election – that's the question.
The Japan Conservative Party is fettling behind the established political parties.
--- Kawamura, the mayor of Nagoya city is an irresponsible man who abandoned the council and ran for office.
The International Workers' Association, which organized workers fighting for communism, is celebrating its 160th anniversary.
--- Deepening the Contradiction of the Monetary and Fiscal Policy and the Capitalism.
Netanyahu's final goal is a "Palestinian-free Israel" state.
No.1484/ Oct./ 13 / 2024
In his statement, the new Prime Minister Ishiba has reneged on his promise to "unravel the reality of making bribe money."
--- And he brought to the fore the prolongation of the life of the coalition government of the Liberal Democrats and the New Komeito to the fore.
The new Ishiba administration was inaugurated, and a policy speech was delivered on the 4th October.
The new Prime Minister Ishiba expressed that the basic policy of the new government was "humble, sincere, and warm-hearted politics" based on the "understanding and sympathy" of the people.
However, they all lacked concreteness, and there was no firm intention in them.
The reactionary nature of the new government of the LD and the NK, which is trying to prolong the life of its own government through deception, has been exposed.

Under the guise of helping the weak.
--- The new governor Ishiba advocated Ishibanomics. However, its purpose is only the rescue and prosperity of capital.

There is a new phase in which the contents of textbooks are becoming reactionary.
--- The new textbook certification standards have been revised, and militaristic education is accelerating.

Not only in the European Parliament elections, but also in Germany, far-right parties with "anti-immigrant" rhetoric are on the rise.
--- They are diverting the attention of the working masses from the problems of capitalism.
No.1483/ Sep./ 22 / 2024
The LDP presidential candidates have trumpeted reforms to fuel expectations but has neglected to clarify the actual situation of the backroom money problem.
On September 27, the presidential election to determine the next president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was announced.
There are nine candidates, which reached a record high.
All the candidates have neglected to clarify the actual situation of the LDP's back money problem.
On the other hand, they trumpet their own "reforms" to fuel
expectations, but all of them are nothing more than lip service without

Will the takeover plan for the US Army base and the corporate election get control over the Ginowan mayoral election?

A once-in-a-century period of change hit VW, closing plants and announcing
the cancellation of collective agreements, including job security.

Netanyahu government in an impasse must immediately stop the Palestinian genocide!
No.1482/ Sep./ 8 / 2024
U.S. presidential election to determine the head of the imperialist country
--- What will Harris the Democratic Party and Trump the Republican contest for?!
Harris was formally elected presidential nominee at the Democratic National Convention on August 22, and she chose Wools as a vice-presidential candidate.
The November presidential election will be fought between Republican Trump and vice-presidential candidate Vance and the Democrat candidates.

Public education is terminally ill
--- A superficial reform will be useless.

Massive military spending and weapons loans
--- The Ministry of Defense's FY25 budget "estimate request" is the largest ever.

The reactionary Japan Innovation Party (JIP) was completely defeated in the Minou mayoral election
--- But don't allow the rise of the anti-JIP Liberal Democrats!
No.1481/ Aug./ 25 / 2024
Prime Minister Kishida was forced to resign
--- Do not allow the rotation under the LDP political power.
On August 14, Prime Minister Kishida announced at an extraordinary press conference that he would not run for president of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in September and would step down at the end of his term as president at the end of the same month (effectively resigning as prime minister).
Kishida emphasized that "I’m going to make the distinction by stepping down" for the LDP's backroom money-making, but this is the result of the resignation of the prime minister due to the intense distrust and anger of the working masses against the government and the LDP.

Can The CDP of Japan win popular support?
--- The CDP of Japan representative election parallel to the LDP presidential election.

Kazuo Shii, former chairman of the Japan Communist Party, who made it into a barren Minsei seminar.
--- He push the Liberation of Labor beyond the eternity.

The far-right anti-immigrant riots in Britain.
--- The working masses contained it with their counterattack.
No.1480/ Aug./ 11 / 2024
Accelerating Integration of the U.S.-Japan Military Alliance
--- The 2+2 "Joint Forces Headquarters" was newly established.
On July 28, the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee (2+2) was held by the foreign and defense ministers.
United States announced that it would reorganize U.S. forces in Japan and establish a new "Joint Force Headquarters" to strengthen command, control and coordination with the Self-Defense Forces.
In addition, the deepening of the Japan-U.S. military alliance is progressing at a rapid pace, with the first ministerial meeting to strengthen "extended deterrence," which would prevent an attack on Japan by United States military capabilities, including nuclear weapons.

The Kishida administration's "use of nuclear power" in danger
--- Turuga Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 is not suitable for restart

The bubble burst after the BOJ meeting
--- Deepening the Contradiction of the Monetary and Fiscal Policy and the Capitalism.

The state of the automotive industry to live or die
--- Restructuring of the Automotive Industry and the Position of Workers.
No.1479/ jul./ 28/ 2024
The U.S. RP solidifies in support of Trump
--- Harris to be a presidential candidate of TDP
On July 13, Trump was shot while campaigning. The bullet passed right by his head and pierced his right ear.
This gave rise to the ridiculous myth that God Almighty saved Mr. Trump. On the 22nd,
Biden withdraw, and the TDP seems to decide on Harris to be the presidential candidate.

The Defense White Paper Shows Off Military Strength and Cooperation with "Comrades Countries"

Pension finances at an impasse
--- The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced the "Public Pension Financial Inspection"

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China placates the masses with "reforms"
--- "The Chinese-style modernization" deepens friction with workers,
No.1478/ jul./ 14/ 2024
Renho, who was supported by the CD and the JCP, suffered a crushing defeat
--- She sprinkled non-partisanship and competed in scattering money
On the 7th in July, the Tokyo gubernatorial election resulted in the victory of current Governor Yuriko Koike, who is serving her third term.
Before the election, it was expected to be a head-to-head battle between the incumbent candidate Koike and the "anti-LDP" candidate Renho.
However, Renho also lost by a large margin to Shinji Ishimaru, an independent candidate who was the mayor of Akitakata in Hiroshima Prefecture and sank to the third place.

With the revision of the Regulation Law, we will not allow Kishida to escape!
--- This will not reform the LDP politics of plutocracy and corruption.

The Self-Defense Forces are strengthening their voice and gaining more and more momentum on the path of becoming a powerful country.

We don’t have illusions about the New Front Popular in France
--- The workers should develop a class struggle!
No.1477/ Jun./ 23 / 2024
The EU Parliament elections showed the right-wing breakthroughs
--- Macron, defeated by Le Pen, called for a snap election
The EU Parliament elections (720 seats in 27 countries), which are held once every five years, were held on June 6~9, and the voter turnout was 51%.
36 votes for LEFT, 52 votes for the environment, 79 votes for S&D and RE, 185 votes for EPP, 58 votes for ECR and ID, and 100 votes for other rightists.
Compared to pre-election, the right-wing parties increased 51 seats. The centrist parties (the so-called ruling parties) lost 16 seats but secured 401 seats and won a majority.
The environmentalists who gained seats in 2019 lost the number of seats significantly.

The Truth About the Tiananmen Square Massacre
--- It brought to light the China's state capitalism,

The government's "bold policy" that ignores the improvement of workers' lives by sprinkling false wage theories.

For more than 50 years! In remembrance of Comrade Goda, who fought together unwaveringly.
No.1476/ Jun./ 9 / 2024
The JIP(Ishin) and the Komeito to save the struggling LDP
--- The JIP and the Komeito support the deceptive LDP's political fund regulation bill.
The amendment bill to the Political Funds Control Act in response to the LDP faction's backroom money scandal is expected to pass the House of Representatives after Prime Minister Kishida held a meeting with the leaders of the JIP and the Komeito and presented an amendment that incorporated the opinions of both parties, and both parties are being agree to the amendment and will vote for it.
However, even if the LDP revises the party's proposal, the mechanism of plutocratic corruption, such as corporate donations and the preservation of political funding parties, remains.
The JIP and the Komeito saved the predicament of the LDP, and the class nature of the pro-LDP of both parties has been exposed.

The Gaza has turned into a city of rubble and the smell of death
--- The US President Biden announces ceasefire proposal.

An Asset Management Nation that deceives Workers
--- Do the Kishida administration encourage workers without assets to double their asset income?

Is the "Emergency Plan" a plan to prepare for financial collapse?
--- The Bourgeois prescriptions make workers a steppingstone.
No.1475/ May./ 26 / 2024
Fight back against the thick-faced and shameless Liberal Democratic Party!
--- "Political Fund Reform" Proposal for Continuation of Corporate Donations.

In response to the backroom money issue, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has submitted its own "Political Fund Reform Proposal" to the Diet for deliberation at the House of Representatives Special Committee on Political Fund Reform starting on the 22nd.
However, contrary to the Prime Minister Kishida's statement that "the reform plan has become effective," it is nothing more than a deception full of "loopholes.
" The LDP has shown not a shred of "remorse" for its own money and corruption and has exposed that it is incapable of serious "remorse."

52 years after the restoration, an appeal from Okinawa.
--- Tenacious struggle against militarization!

100% tariff on Chinese-made EV cars.
--- Rising Trade Protectionism and Hardline Measures Against China by the U.S. Biden Administration.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is deepening their woes.
--- Putin, a dictator who can't solve problems on his own.
No.1474/ May./ 12 / 2024
The plutocratic Kishida administration lost all three by-elections.
--- The Constitution Democratic Party of Japan(CDP) fails to win votes critical of Kishida.

In the House of Representatives by-election held on April 28, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was defeated, and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) won the election.
The Kishida administration, which exposed corrupt politics in the backroom money scandal, was dismissed.
Can it be said that the victorious CDP has won the support of the working masses? That's the question.

No ban on political fundraising parties or corporate donations.
--- Self-interested LDP、Original Proposal for Amendment to the Regulation Law.

Cornered and intervening in the exchange rate.
--- The government is unable to overcome the yen's depreciation、the economy remains at a standstill.

The “Red Witch-Hunting” is back in the U.S. Congress.
--- Biden cracks down on student movement as 'anti-Semitism'.
No.1473/ Apr./ 28/ 2024
Japan-U.S. summit meeting・A major shift in the Japan-US security alliance
--- They trumpeted the relationship between Japan and the United States as a global collaboration.

On April 11, Prime Minister Kishida and President Biden issued a joint statement after their meeting in Washington.
The statement positioned the relationship between Japan and the United States as a "global partnership" that works together on a global scale.
The expansion and deepening'' of the Japan-centered regional alliance to a global alliance means a major change in the Japan-U.S. security alliance and indicates the further reactionary nature of imperialist Japan.

Israel expands its front
--- Workers support building a Palestinian national state.

“Hiroyoshi Hayashi’s Posthumous Manuscripts Volume 1” has been published.
--- Impressed by his foresight and theoretical depth.

Communist Party degenerated into a bourgeois party
--- Holding illusions about ASEAN and proposing peacebuilding.
No.1472 / Apr./ 14 / 2024
Aiming to end the pursuit of slush fands
--- Dispositions to extend the life of the Liberal Democratic Party government

On April 4th, Kishida's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) punished several members getting the party's slush fund scandal over the political party slush fund scandal.
However, even though no progress has been made in clarifying the persons who started the slush funds and what they were used for, the decision to dispose of them is haphazard totally.
This case exposes the Kishida LDP's intention to conceal the truth and end the slush fund issue with superficial punishment, to prolong the life of the government.

Kishida administration aims to counter declining birthrate by increasing burden on workers
--- Workers' difficulties such as non-regular work are left unaddressed.

Is it a transition from “another dimension” to “normal one”?
--- The Bank of Japan's monetary policy remains unchanged.

“Intelligence and conspiracy state” Russia’s darkness
--- Shooting incident at a concert venue on the outskirts of Moscow
No.1471 / Mar./ 24 / 2024
What comes after the "full answer" of the battle less annual spring laborer offensive?
--- Let's fight back against the intensification of capital exploitation!

On March 15, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC) revealed that the first batch of responses to the Spring Labor Negotiations resulted in an average wage increase of 5.25%. For the first time in 33 years, JTUC announced that wage increases exceeded 5%.
However, the initial responses were mainly from large companies that had "full responses" and "highest level responses" on paper, and responses to small and medium-sized labor unions were still a long way off.
Furthermore, the wage increases for the 83.7% of workers who are not organized by a union depends on the president's "intension".

The reopened Trump Theater of the Shameful US Republican Party
--- The world squares off for the division and the retaliation.

The Taiwan's presidential election rejected the China's pressure for 'unification'
--- The challenge for the Taiwanese workers is to build a struggle against the ruling class.

A sense of crisis about the Japan capitalism has become apparent
--- "The Mutual Aid Capitalism Model" of the Association of Corporate Executives'
No.1470/ Mar./ 10 / 2024
The Political Ethics Review Board where the cover-up of corruption was exposed.
--- Let's overthrow the corrupt Kishida government by mass action!

In the wake of the LDP faction's backroom bribery scandal, the House of Representatives held a Political Ethics Review Board. On February 29,Prime Minister Kishida and Secretary-General Takeda of the Nikai faction attended the meeting.
On March 1, former METI Minister Nishimura, former Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno, former Education Minister Shiotani, and former Diet Committee Chairman Takagi, all of whom are senior members of the Abe faction, attended the meeting.
They only repeated their previous explanations and could not defend their innocence. They exposed their corrupt figures, immersed in money, and lies, to the full sun.

Amendment of party rules to cover up corruption in the LDP.
--- Liberal Democratic Party's Congress Covering Up Plutocratic Corruption.

Biden is as national particularistic as Trump.
--- Biden's State of the Union Address.

High unemployment rate among China's youth.
--- The National People's Congress did not acknowledge the seriousness of the situation.
No.1469/Feb./ 25/ 2024
The spring struggle without strike is a surrender to capital.
--- The workers of the world have launched a fight.

The amount of wage increase demands for this year's spring wage negotiations has begun to be reported. It is reported that it is a "historically high level of bear demand" (2/15 Asahi), but there is no sense of euphoria in the spring fight right now.
Since 2013, Japan's wage increase struggle has been a "bid rigging spring struggle" that is effectively decided through negotiations between government, labor, and management.
Japan Federation of Economic Organization (JFEO) said, "It is the social responsibility of JFEO and corporations to aim for wage increases that are consistent with rising prices with more enthusiasm than last year."
In response, the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC) said JTUC and JFEO "share the same understanding" and that they "basically share the historical meaning of the Spring Life Struggle.
" The JTUC follows capital and the government, which "lead" wage increases, and spread the illusion of a "virtuous cycle of wage increases and prices" and "sustainable wage increases" among workers.
The Constitutional Democratic Party's "Cabinet for National Salvation" is hoping for an alliance also with the Liberal Party and the New Komeito Party.
--- The consistent struggle of workers against the domination of capital is essential!
"Interview" of the LDP's back money issue by relatives
--- It is far from "clarifying the actual situation".
The stock market is a feast of spring
--- Despite the lack of innovation in production, stock prices soared.
No.1468/ Feb./ 11/ 2024
Let's defeat the "Bid Rigging Spring Labor Offensive”!
--- ”Price rise from wage increases effect an economic recovery“ is an illusion.

On February 1, a meeting was held between the heads of the Japan Business Federation and the Japanese Trade Union Confederation.
The JBF said, "Last year was the first wage increase in 30 years, and we want to use that as a starting point to overcome deflation."
Yoshino, the president of the JTUC, also responded by saying that "sustainable wage increases" would create a virtuous cycle of rising prices and the economic recovery.
In addition, she said that wage increases would be possible by "the development of companies and the production of profits," as if she were an executive of the JBF.
Bankruptcy of China Evergrande, a major Chinese real estate developer
--- Chinese State Capitalism Exposed Overproduction.
Population Vision 2100
--- Capitalism with a sense of crisis about population decline!
Lip service, Prime Minister Kishida's "political reform” is just a lip service!
--- The "clarification of the actual situation" of "making money behind the scenes" is far from being done.
No.1467/ Jan./ 28/ 2024
It does not call for the dissolution of the political faction.
--- The interim report of the Liberal Democratic Party's "Political Renewal Headquarters"

The Liberal Democratic Party, which has been rocked by the revelation of the political fund issue, has established the "Political Reform Headquarters" (headed by Prime Minister Kishida) to "restore trust in politics."
On the 22nd, it summarized the outline of the "Political Reform Plan" and submitted an interim report. However, while it claims to be "a complete break from money and personnel," it passed over the dissolution of the faction itself.
The reopened Trump Theater of the Shameful US Republican Party
--- The world squares off for the division and the retaliation.
The Taiwan's presidential election rejected the China's pressure for 'unification'
--- The challenge for the Taiwanese workers is to build a struggle against the ruling class.
A sense of crisis about the Japan capitalism has become apparent
--- "The Mutual Aid Capitalism Model" of the Association of Corporate Executives'
No.1466/ Jan./ 14/ 2024
The root of fraudulent testing is the exploitation by capital
--- Daihatsu's fraud exposed the corruption of capital.

The problem of inspection fraud at Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., which manufactures high-quality and low-cost cars, has expanded, and all four plants in Japan ceased operations in December.
A "third-party committee" (comprised of outside lawyers and others) that investigated the fraud released its report on December 20. According to the report, there were 174 cases of fraudulent practices, which had been going on for 39 years.
However, even though it is a third-party committee, it is a commission that Daihatsu paid for, and it has no legal authority. The report only superficially "exposes" the injustice and only shows a façade of remorse.
A fake "political reform"
--- Prime Minister Kishida's New Year's press conference without seriousness.
Kishida administration intends to lift ban on arms exports totally
--- The purpose of forming a new encirclement network against China.
Prometheus No. 62 was published
---The special feature is "The Truth of China and Russia"
/It also elucidated the imperialization of capitalism in Japan and the problems of foreign workers.
No.1465/ Dec./ 24/ 2023
Let's overthrow the corrupt and depraved Liberal Democratic Party government!
--- Expel the assembly members who made money behind the scenes and embezzled our tax moneys!
At a political fundraising party by the Abe faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, it was brough to light that the charges of party tickets that exceeded the quota imposed on faction members was not listed.
The unstated amount of money had been kicked back to the legislators for many years.
Prosecutors have launched compulsory investigations, and an unprecedented case of suspicion has come to light.
Let's break down capital-driven wage increases!
--- The class struggle of the workers!
The formation of a Palestinian state is the starting point
--- The challenge of the Israeli working class is the overthrow of capital and the liberation of labor.
The government will allocate 3.6 trillion yen annually to expand measures to address the declining birthrate
--- "Virtually zero burden" is a deception.
No.1464/ Dec./ 10/ 2023
The Japan Innovation Party (Ishin) and the Liberal Democratic Party glozing the bankrupt
--- Expo. Let's overthrow the JIP of evading responsibility with the LDP!

In August 2014, Hashimoto belonging to the Osaka Innovation Party announced his plan for the 25th Osaka Expo, and at the same time, he announced the invitation of an IR as a policy for a referendum on the Osaka Metropolitan Plan.
The Osaka Metropolitan Plan was rejected in two referendums and was not realized.
At the General Assembly of the Exposition Secretariat on November 23, 18, Japan defeated Russia by 92-61, and it was decided to hold the Expo in 2025.
After that, there were unprecedented crises such as the Corona disaster. In Yumeshima, even the construction of the pavilion has not yet begun. Nonetheless, the JIP and the LDP are trying to hold the Expo by spending taxpayer money, which is the crystallization of labor squeezed from workers and producers, just to maintain power.
The JIP and the LDP symbolize a declining and rampant Japan of dependence on others.
The Bank of Japan issued an unrealized loss of 10.5 trillion yen
--- This is the historic moment when Abenomics collapsed.
Let's overthrow the Kishida administration, which scrambles for military expansion!
--- The Kishida administration is once again pushing for Okinawa to become a battlefield.
Myanmar in Turmoil Deepens
--- Exhausting the armed fore’s rule.
No.1463/ Nov./ 26/ 2023
The U.S.-China summit meeting for the first time in a year.
--- U.S. and China leaders exchange views on Taiwan issue and economic security.

On November 15, the summit meeting between President Biden and President Xi Jinping was held near San Francisco, California, to improve the deteriorating U.S.-China relations.
The dialogue lasted four hours.
However, the two countries only stated their own claims, and there was no progress in improving relations between the United States and China.
Deceptive consultations between the government, the business community and trade unions.
--- Workers should unite and fight as a class!
Germany justifies genocide with atonement.
--- The United Nations issued a statement calling for the prevention of the Gaza massacre.
Let's win the rejection of Ikuhosha's textbooks nationwide next year again!
--- Report of the outpost that prevented adoption.
No.1462/ Nov./ 12/ 2023
Condemnation and glorification of Hamas's military terrorism are spreading.
--- What is the position of workers on Israel's invasion into Gaza?

One month has passed since Hamas's October 7 "military terrorism."
Netanyahu declared a "war" against Hamas, but since then, Israel's indiscriminate attacks on Gaza have been ruthless, breaking all constraints and throwing powerful military forces into Gaza.
Israel military bombed shelters in southern area of Gaza. There was a shelter set up by the United Nations and Israel people to refuge in it. Displaced people, including many children, were killed, and on the 4th, an ambulance convoy carrying the wounded was attacked by Israel army, and then 65 people were killed or wounded.
On November 5, Israel announced that the siege of Gaza City was complete and urged Hamas to "die or surrender."
A dole-out policy to maintain power.
--- Prime minister Kishida's income tax cuts, and benefit measures.
At the end of "Abenomics", the Bank of Japan has become dysfunctional.
--- This case shows the true intentions of the LDP's child-rearing policy.
By-election showing criticism of the Kishida administration.
--- The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Coalition of Opposition parties were not supported.
No.1461/ Oct./ 22/ 2023
Stop the blockade and invasion of Gaza!
--- The root of terrorism is discrimination and oppression against Palestinians.

Hamas, which controls the Palestinian territories and Gaza, launched a surprise attack on Israel. In response, the Israeli government has declared a full-scale "state of war" against Hamas, mobilized 100,000 troops, and is trying to force a military invasion against Gaza.
The Israeli government condemns Hamas' military attacks as terrorism and justifies the military invasion, but it has produced by the discrimination and oppression of Palestinians. (Written as of the 18th December)
The situation of occupational accidents in Japan capitalism
--- Occupational accident casualties are on the rise.
The problem does not end by withdrawal of the proposed "prohibition of neglect of children" ordinance.
--- This case shows the true intentions of the LDP's child-rearing policy.
No.1460/ Oct./ 8/ 2023
Preserving discriminatory insurance systems.
---The government's measures to address the "revenue barrier"!

Prime minister Kishida revealed that as one of the government's policies, the government will tackle to correct the "annual income barrier" problem in the name of "creating a society where men and women can work as desired."
However, this is nothing more than a deceptive policy for preserving the current system that allows dependents who do not pay social insurance premiums, such as "full-time housewives," to join their husbands' pension and health insurance.
The mayor of Higashiosaka changing his saddle to the Japan Innovation Party.
--- Exposing the corruption of the "Second Liberal Democratic Party"
Nonsense "wage increase for economic recovery" theory.
--- Prime minister Kishida says that he will invest even reserve to raise wages.
Another revelation of the prosecutor's offices apple-polishes to the Abe administration.
No.1459/ Sep./ 24/ 2023
Bankruptcies are up.
---Associate the labor movement with "liberation of labor"!

It is said that the economy is recovering, but since around last summer, the number of corporate bankruptcies has started to increase.
As a result, the number of unemployed is gradually increasing.
We will clarify what is happening, discuss the challenges of class-conscious workers, and call on them to fight together.
What the corruption of Akimoto, a congressman and a "renewable energy tribe" of the Liberal Democratic Party exposed.
--- Even if CO2 is reduced, it will eventually result in a battle for concessions!
Without firm idea, priority was given to maintaining the government.
--- The Kishida reshuffled cabinet inaugurated.
The 100th Anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake.
--- The capitalistic government that does not face the truth of history.
No.1458/ Sep./ 10/ 2023
The imperialistic confrontation between Japan and China.
---The essence of the confrontation between Japan and China over "contaminated water"

Two weeks have passed since the release of "contaminated water" into the ocean began.
China immediately announced a total embargo on Japan seafood products, protesting that what the Japan was doing was not based on "scientific evidence," and protest calls from China flooded into Japan.
On the other hand, in Japan, "unscientific frenzy" and "anti-China" campaigns are growing, saying that "if you are cutting an unreasonable 'anti-Japan card' with no scientific basis, will take countermeasures."
The confrontation over the ocean release reflects the imperialist confrontation between Japan and China.
From the "biggest opposition party" to the "second ruling party"
--- Japan Innovation Party of authoritarianism aimed at approaching the government.
An ad hoc dole-out policy.
--- Kishida administration continues gasoline subsidies.
The BRICS seeks to expand their influence,
--- but opposition against and coexistence with European domination come and go.
No.1457 / Aug./ 27/ 2023
The Simplistic and irresponsible Ocean release.
--- There's something to be done first!
On August 21, Kishida met with officials from National Federation and the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations in Tokyo.
National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations did not change their opposition to the discharge of treated water into the ocean but said that understanding was deepening.
The discharge of treated water into the ocean will begin as early as the 24th Aug.
What is behind the bursting of the real estate bubble?
--- Feasts between the Chinese government and local governments.
Preaching Reconciliation and Cooperation with Capitalists.
--- Kohei Saito's "Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit".
Look at others and look back at yourself!
--- Reading "Letter to Tetsuzo Fuwa".
No.1456/ Aug./ 13/ 2023
The Kishida Administration Striving for a "New Pre-War Era".
--- Is it going to "open war" in East Asia again?
Immediately before the 78th Day of Commemoration of Japan's Defeat in the World War II, we make it clear that the Kishida administration is pushing forward toward a "new pre-war era."
This year's “White Paper on Defense” push forward a sense of crisis, saying, "China's military trends are・・・ the greatest strategic challenge ever," and set the pace for doubling to 2% of military spending as a percentage of GDP.
Workers will not allow constitutional reform measures under the "emergency clause."
Declare themself "Second Liberal Democrat”!
--- Japan Innovation Party regards Workers' Class Struggle with hostility.
Capital and government are obsessed with the struggle for hegemony keep poker faces about "the boiling earth.”
No.1455/ Jul./ 23/ 2023
Military cooperation between Japan and NATO is strengthening.
--- NATO is "a partner that shares fundamental values," Kishida said.
The G7, held simultaneously in Lithuania, where the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit was held, decided to increase military support for Ukraine.
Prime Minister Kishida, who participated in the meeting, pledged to further develop cooperative relations with NATO, and military cooperation between Japan and NATO has been progressing in case of Russia's invasion upon Ukraine.
For progress, workers' struggle is needed.
---"Kimigayo" memorization investigation case in Suita City, Osaka Prefecture.
Rekindling resource wars.
---Competition for rare earths, a rare metal.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations agreed to conduct joint military exercises.
---The Japan Communist Party regards ASEAN as the linchpin of regional cooperation for peace in East Asia, but this delusion has collapsed.
No.1454/ Jul./ 9/ 2023
The accelerating decline of the Japan Communist Party(JCP).
--- Suzuki and others’ objections symbolize the party's decline.
The decline of the JCP does not stop.
JCP lost seats in the House of Representatives election two years ago and the House of Councilors election last year and suffered a major defeat in the unified local elections in April this year, losing 1,350 seats nationwide.
In the meantime, the Central Committee plenary session summed up the election, which was an excuse to justify the policy of the Shii leadership, which could be said to be so-what attitude for distracting from the causes of the JCP's growing detachment from the working masses and increasingly loss of trust.
The Government struggles against re-accelerating yen depreciation
---The unenlightened government and the Bank of Japan perceive the depreciation of the yen and inflation as phenomena.
Okinawa Islands missile force deployment without regard to appearances.
---It’s like J Alert of the Crying Wolf
No.1453/ Jun./ 25/ 2023
Fight back against the fictitious reform of Nippon Ishin (Japan Innovation Reform)!
--- Fight to overcome citizen’s factions and the Japanese Communist Party!
Following the Osaka Prefectural Governor and Prefectural Assembly and Osaka Mayor and City Council in the unified local elections in April, JIP also won the Sakai mayoral election in June.
In the Osaka City Council, JIP has won a majority and is jockeying for strengthening its power base, including passing an ordinance amendment to reduce the number of city council members.
The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan supports the development of the arms industry.
--- Voted in favor of “the Defense Accessory Base Enhancement Act.”
Will it "correct" the gap between regular and non-regular workers?
--- Overcome the JP Labor Union's Principle of Cooperation between Labor and Capital.
Real wages continue to decline.
--- The government and the Bank of Japan are ignoring soaring prices.
No.1452/ jun./ 11/ 2023
Muddle-through measures to address the declining birthrate.
---Short-term dole-out policy will not solve the problem.
Since “the 1.57 shock of the total fertility rate“occurred in 1989, the government has been implementing a series of measures to address the declining birthrate, including the Angel Plan.
Even so, the declining birthrate has not stopped, and in 2022, it declined to a record low.
The Kishida administration announced the "Children's Future Strategy Policy" and announced support for children on the scale of 3 trillion yen a year. Will it succeed?
Shift to national promotion of nuclear power generation.
--- Abandoning Fukushima Remorse・"GX Power Supply Law".
Nippon Ishin (Japan Innovation Party) won the mayoral election of Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture.
--- Helpless anti-JIP struggle.
Can wars & "Taiwan emergencies" be prevented by "dialogue"?
--- What is “the Okinawa Dialogue Project“ trying to do?
No.1451/ May./ 28/ 2023
G7 Leaders' "Hiroshima Vision" Is a False Appeal for "Nuclear Disarmament"
The leaders of the G7 (G7) held in Hiroshima, the first atomic bomb disaster area for mankind, announced the "Hiroshima Vision" focusing on nuclear disarmament.
Prime Minister Kishida praised himself, saying, "We have once again raised the momentum of the international community toward nuclear disarmament by securing the foundation for the ideal of a world without nuclear weapons."
But is this true, that's the question.
“Reform with the self-sacrifice” is a way to strengthen the power base.
--- Nippon Ishan (Japan Innovation Party, JIP)'s proposal to reduce the number of seats in Osaka City Council.
US making noise by default.
--- Raising interest rates will also cause debt to surge.
"Drafts of Economics and Philosophy"
--- As a work in the middle of the formation of Marxism.
No.1450/ May./ 14/ 2023
"Reflecting on the by-elections of the five members of the House of Representatives, House of Councilors and the unified local elections"
The Great Defeat of the Japan Communist Party(JCP) and the Breakthrough of the Nippon Ishin (Japan Innovation Party, JIP)
---We need a class struggle of the working people.
In April, by-elections of the House of Representatives, House of Councilors and the unified local elections were held.
As a result, the Liberal Democrats narrowly won four in five by-elections for the House of Representatives, while the JIP won a seat in the Wakayama 1st district of the House of Representatives and gained a significant number of seats in local elections.
On the other hand, the JCP suffered a significant decline in seats in the local elections, and the number of members of The Constitutional Democratic Party was sluggish.
Overthrow of the Kishida administration plotting a huge military buildup!
Calling on workers across the country
---Our May Day Struggle Report
Solving the declining birthrate by the principle of community.
---Declining birthrate due to the desire for exploitation by capital.
"Immigration Control Act Amendment Bill" to enslave foreign workers.
The Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party
No.1449/ Apr./ 23/ 2023
Fight back against the anti-workers party, Nippon Ishim (Japan Innovation Party, JIP) that spur illusions and steal votes!
The first half of the unified local elections was held on April 9.
In this election, JIP continued to win the governor of Osaka Prefecture and the mayor of Osaka City and gained a majority not only in the Osaka Prefectural Assembly but also in the Osaka City Assembly, which had previously had less than a majority.
In the governor election of Nara Prefecture, a JIP’s approved candidate also got elected.
With this momentum, the JIP is planning to expand its anti-worker politics throughout the country.
Is the declining birthrate a "quiet emergency"?
We oppose Akihiro Matoba's "defense of Proudhon."
The Kishida administration and the Ministry of Defense run out of control.
No.1448/Apr./9/ 2023
The collapse of the US bank spreads to the world.
---The backwash of fiscal dole-out measures and low interest rate policies.
The Bank of Silicon Valley in the United States went bankrupt on March 10, and the Signature Bank collapsed on March 12.
First Public Bank was also on the verge of bankruptcy, but other banks bailed out it.
Stock prices of small and medium-sized enterprises plummeted.
Credit insecurity of U.S. banks also spread to Europe, and Credit Swiss Bank, one of Europe’s leading banks, fell into a financial crisis.
Furthermore, the aftermath is beginning to spread to the United Kingdom and other countries.
What's happening?
With the nationalization of defense companies in mind, deliberations on the draft "Law for Strengthening the Defense Production Base" begin.
Will the technical internship system be abolished at last, or will the government repeat “deceptive tactics” three times again?
The government and the Bank of Japan are stuck in a quagmire and hide the crisis of insolvency.
No.1447/Mar./26/ 2023
The lowly nature is exposed, and the government is panicked.
…The Abe faction spearheaded the reform of the Broadcasting Law
On March 2, an administrative document in which the Abe clique (the Emperor System Nationalists) pressured the broadcast program to make a program that was convenient for them became public.
This administrative document written by a bureaucrat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications recorded how YOSUKE ISOZAKI, an advisor to the prime minister, worked with Abe's approval to lobby Minister TAKAICHI to change the interpretation of the Broadcasting Law.
Government-Labor-Management Meetings pretend to be on the side of workers.
---But a principle of class cooperation has no future for workers.
Tightening restrictions on semiconductor exports to China
---As a part of a strategy to maintain U.S. hegemony.
Considering the significance of criticizing Proudhon
---A posy from a reader about The Poverty of Philosophy
No.1446/Mar./12/ 2023
The budget with increased military spending passed the House of Representatives
…The claims of the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Communist Party have nothing to do with workers.
On February 28, the government passed the initial budget for FY23 at a plenary session of the House of Representatives.
The total amount was 114.4 trillion yen, the same as the Cabinet decision, and was 6.8 trillion yen more than the initial budget of the previous fiscal year, setting a record high for 11 consecutive years.
The increased 6.8 trillion yen is equivalent to the entire military expenditure.
However, Prime Minister Kishida has not made it clear and cannot do anything about how he will finance the military spending.
Is the declining birthrate a "quiet emergency"?
We oppose Akihiro Matoba's "defense of Proudhon."
The Kishida administration and the Ministry of Defense run out of control.
No.1445/Feb./26/ 2023
The Government decided to abolish restrictions on the upper limit on the operating period of nuclear power plants
---Don't allow outrageous action disregarding the safety!

On Feb.10, the Cabinet approved the basic policy for green transformation(GX),
which promotes the transition to a decarbonized society.
Prime Minister Kishida calls for reviewing the 'wall' of female working
---However, it is a measure to give preferential treatment to "housewives" hindering women's independence.
Inflating weapons loans
---It cheats on the accumulation of loans at the expense of later years.
Ishim (Japan Innovation Party) plots to increase the party strength
---Will the Ishim’s Expansion Improve the Lives of the Working Masses?
A life of conviction
---Commemorating the late Yoshiaki Saito
No.1444/Feb./12/ 2023
Will children allowance become a "socialization of rearing children"?
---The ruling and opposition parties' futile agreement to abolish income restrictions.

At the ordinary session of the Diet, which began on January 23,
the Kishida administration stated that it would issue a policy basis by the end of March on measures to address the declining birthrate, which it considers to be one of the most important issues.
Among them, the ruling and opposition parties have argued that the income limit on the current children allowance should be abolished, and it has been taken up in the Diet. And the debate of the Hundred Schools of Thought contending is boiling.
Prime Minister Kishida calls for reviewing the 'wall' of female working
…However, it is a measure to give preferential treatment to "housewives" hindering women's independence.
The deception of issuing, not environmental bonds, but transfer bonds
…Its purpose lies in aiding thermal and nuclear power plants.
No.1443/Jan./29/ 2023
Prime Minister Kishida declared a military alliance against China
-- He personally staged the Japan-U.S. meeting and boasted of the "Three Security Documents"

On January 13, the Japan-U.S. summit meeting was held. This meeting was made possible by Kishida's eager efforts to visit the United States and hold a summit meeting since he became prime minister.
Prior to this meeting, a meeting was held on the 11th with the foreign ministers of Japan and the United States and defense ministers.
Ripples are spreading.
Bourgeois welfare is going bankrupt
…Is Child Allowance a Measure against the Declining Birthrate?
A farce of tax hikes or debt
…Debate within the LDP over military funding.
We remember the late Mr. Hiroyoshi Hayashi, ss a Marxist and lifelong revolutionary.
No.1442/Jan./15/ 2023
The Kishida administration deceives people with lip service to maintain the regime
…Blowing populist measures at a press conference at the beginning of the year.

The Kishida administration approved three security documents at the end of last year.As a result, the fear of an imperialist war beginning became a reality, and the burden of increased military spending on the "people" became certain.
To dispel people's doubts and anxieties, Kishida played the lip service at the press conference at the beginning of the year.
Let build a column of workers that will shake Akio Toyoda(President of The Toyota Motor Corporation).
…Intending Both tax hikes and government bonds as the sources of funding.
The Bankrupt "Ultra-Monetary Easing Measures"
…Widening Inequality and Promoting Economic Decline.
Condemn missile deployment in the Southwest Islands of Japan!
…Let's aim for peace and fight class struggle against the Kishida administration!
The government will revise the acceptance system、To Increase the number of foreign workers.