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Theories of Socialism or State Capitalism

Trotsky and Trotskism

Marxist Economics


History of the Communist and Workers Movement in the World

On Nations and Nationalism

Critique of JCP

On Lenin

(The No. and date is that of issue of the organ paper or the theoretical journal.)

1 @Theories of Socialism or State Capitalism

The Stalinist System
| The Internal "Evolution" Towards "Liberalization"
'The Stalinist System' 1972

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

Marxist Critique of Tony Cliff's Theory of "Bureaucratic State Capitalism"
'PROMETHEUS' No.5 March 1992

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

The Establishment of a Stalinist System in China 'The Stalinist System' 1972

The Fundamental Concepts of Socialism-From Marx and Engels
'Henkaku' Jan, 1985

The Meaning of the Russian and Chinese Revolutions and State Capitalism
'Bankrupt Modern "Socialism"' 1998

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

Sentimentality is not Historical Science
| A Reply to the Trotskyist Koyama
'Henkaku' Jun, 1984

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

JCP "Theories" of Socialism
'PROMETHEUS' No.26 May 1997

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

Kuroda Kanichi's Theory of the USSR
'Scientific Comunism' No.27 1970

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

Tsushima's Theory of "State Capitalism"
'PROMETHEUS' No.5 March 1992

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

Are the Soviet Union and China,State Capitalist or "Transitional" Societies?
"Spark" No.581 May.13, 1983

"Socialism" of the Soviet Union and China
| What is the necessity of its transformation to capitalism?
| The 80th Russian revolution anniversary
"Storm Petrel" No.612 Jan.1, 1997

It Started from the Farmer Revolution to Bourgeois Development
| Through a Cultural Revolution
"Storm Petrel" No.612 Jan.1, 1997

Nothing is Learnt from the Soviet Union Collapse
| Socialist Society Sect and Mr. Yamazaki's gSocialism" theories
"Storm Petrel" No.573 Mar.10, 1996

The Monumental Forerunner of World Socialist Revolution
| Sixty-Year Anniversary of the Russian Revolution [1977]
"Spark" Sep-Dec, 1977

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

2 @Trotsky and Trotskism

Going Beyond Trotskyism!
| Introduction @
'Study of Scientific Communism'(No.28, 1970)

Marxist Expression of Romanticism
| Critique of Trotsky's Theory of Permanent Revolution

(published in 'gSocialismh: Stalinist or Scientific')

A United Front Tactics of Trotsky in Comintern

Review of Trotsky's Chinese Revolution Policy

" Real Human Culture " and Proletarian Culture
| Criticism of Trotsky's essay on Culture

3 @Marxist Economics

On the Marxist Theory of Productive Labor
'In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value' 1999

The Concept of Productive Labor Held by Akabori Kunio and Iimori Nobuo
'In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value' 1999

Marx's Theory of Ground-Rent
'In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value' 1999

A Critique Of "Underconsumption Theories"
| How Should Crisis Be Explained, And Has Modern Capitalism Really Overcome Crisis?
'PROMETHEUS' No.29 1998

The Meaning of "Commodity"
| Why Does "Labor" Become "Value"?
'In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value' 1999

A Mixture of Every Sort of Value Theory
| On the Smith's "Theory of Value"
'PROMETHEUS' No.27, 1997

The Necessity of Commodity Production and Money
(From gFrom the Gold Standard to Managed Currencyh)
'Labor and Liberation' 1988-89

Theories of Surplus-Value Study Group Presentations

Agricultural Protectionism and the Working Class
| Learning from the History of the English Corn Laws@
"Storm Petrel" No.708-720, 1999

4 @Philosophy

A Critique of "Humanism" (and Raya Dunayevskaya's "Marxist Humanism")
'Study of Scientific Communism' Jun, 1966

5 @History of the Communist and Workers Movement in the World

An Overview of the Modern "Communist" Movement
'The History of the International Communist and Workers Movement' 1971

The History of the Russian Revolutionary Movement
| The Question of United Front Tactics
'The History of the International Communist and Workers Movement' 1971

Fascism And The Communist International(Comintern)
| How Did The Stalinists Allow The Victory Of Fascism?
'PROMETHEUS' No.12 1994

6 @On Nations and Nationalism

Rosa Luxemburg and the National Problem
| The Similarity of Luxemburg's Theory to "Austrian Marxism"
'PROMETHEUS' No.11 1993

Why Do We Support The Obtaining of gNationalityh
| The Rapprochement and gAssimilationh of Korean Resident Workers and Japanese Workers is the Correct Policy
'HENKAKU' No.29 1984

What is a Nation
Marxism and the Concept of Nation
'PROMETHEUS' No.3 1991

The Rapid Increase in Foreign Workers
| The Current Situation, its Background, and the Workers' Standpoint
'Labor and Liberation' Oct.1990

Why is it "Multilingual age"?
| After all, it has returned in the protection of the Japanese racialism
"Storm Petrel" No.643/Aug.31,1997

The two routes of the "nation" principle and the "people" principle
| Is it not a confrontation but a supplementation?
"Storm Petrel" No.627/Apr.27,1997

7 @Critique of JCP

The JCPfs Bogus gResolute Struggleh The g1932 Thesesh Advocating Democratic Revolution
"Storm Petrel" No.878/July.21,2002

Adhesion to Postwar gDemocratich System The Distorted View of gNational Liberationh
"Storm Petrel" No.878/July.21,2002

8@ On Lenin

Lenin's "Own Words"
| An Introduction to Lenin's Thought
July, 1969


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